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INAP: The International Network for Acid Prevention
INAP is an organization of international mining companies dedicated to reducing liabilities associated with sulphide mine materials.
The International Network for Acid Prevention (INAP) is an industry group created to help meet the challenge of acid drainage. INAP exists to fill the need for an international body which mobilizes acid drainage information and experience. The network was founded in 1998. Since then INAP has become a proactive, global leader in this field.
If you would like an abbreviated introduction to the GARD Guide, there are Executive Summaries in English, Español, and français.
This PDF of the GARD Guide can be downloaded and printed.
Development of the Global Acid Rock Drainage Guide
The development of the Global Acid Rock Drainage (GARD) Guide is sponsored by INAP with the support of the Global Alliance. The GARD Guide was created through the contributions of many individuals and organizations. A team lead by Golder Associates prepared a draft of the Guide.
The GARD Guide deals with the prediction, prevention and management of drainage produced from sulphide mineral oxidation, often termed “acid rock drainage” (ARD). It also addresses metal leaching caused by sulphide mineral oxidation.
The GARD Guide is intended as a state-of-the-art summary of the best practices and technology to assist mine operators and regulators to address issues related to sulphide mineral oxidation.
The GARD Guide currently has 11 Chapters:
- 1. The GARD Guide
- 2. The ARD Process
- 3. Corporate, Regulatory and Community Framework
- 4. Defining the Problem - Characterization
- 5. Prediction
- 6. Prevention and Mitigation
- 7. Drainage Treatment
- 8. Monitoring
- 9. Management And Performance Assessment
- 10. ARD Communication And Consultation
- 11. ARD Management in the Future
This version of the GARD Guide is “Rev 1” and is still a work in progress, as befits an evolving field. All comments are welcome and should be forwarded to:
- Mr. Gilles Tremblay
- INAP Technical Manager
- Ms. Charlene Hogan
- GARD Guide Secreteriat
All comments received will be considered for the next version the GARD Guide.
Links to INAP member companies: | |