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=== GLOSSARY ===
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'''Acute Toxicity''' - Toxicity having a sudden onset, lasting a short time and severe enough to induce a response rapidly. The duration of an acute aquatic toxicity test ii generally on the order of days and mortality is the response measured.
<p>This glossary includes terms that can be  found in this GARD Guide.  All  definitions are common scientific usage.</p>
<p>Use your '''browser Edit/Find function''' to search for terms on this page.</p>
<p><strong>abandoned  mine</strong> - Excavations, structures, or  equipment remaining from a former mining operation that, for all practical  purposes, have been deserted while no intent of further mining is evident. An  assumption of &quot;abandoned&quot; may be incorrect if an owner still exists,  even if the owner has not performed any activity at the location for a long  period, in which case the mine may be &quot;inactive.&quot; </p>
<p><strong>acid-base  accounting (ABA)</strong> - An analytical  technique applied to mine wastes and geologic materials that determines the  potential acidity from sulfur analysis versus the neutralization potential. It  is used to predict the potential of that material to be acid producing or acid  neutralizing. </p>
<p><strong>acid  generating</strong> - Refers to ore and mine  wastes that contain sulfur or sulfides, which produce acid when oxidized. Acid  can also be present as acid sulfates or generated by their weathering, produced  originally from oxidation of sulfides. </p>
<p><strong>acid  potential (AP</strong>) - The ability ofa rock or geologic material  to produce acid leachates; may also be referred to as acid generation potential  or AGP. </p>
<p><strong>acid  rain</strong> - Term referring to the  deposition of a mixture of wet (rain, snow, sleet, fog, dew) and dry  (acidifying particles and gases) acidic components.</p>
<p><strong>acid  rock drainage (ARD)</strong> - A low pH,  metal-laden, sulfate-rich drainage that occurs during land disturbance where  sulfur or metal sulfides are exposed to atmospheric conditions. It forms under  natural conditions from the oxidation ofsulfide minerals and where the acidity exceeds the alkalinity. Non-mining  exposures, such as along highway road cuts, may produce similar drainage. Also  known as <strong>acid mine drainage(AMD)</strong> when it originates from  mining areas. </p>
<p><strong>acidity</strong> - The titratable acid as measured in accordance with  standard methods. It is normally reported as milligrams per liter as calcium  carbonate (CaCO3),.</p>
<p><strong>acidophile</strong> -  Inorganic substance or living organism  (or part thereof) that favors acidic conditions or acids.</p>
<p><strong>active  treatment systems</strong> - Systems that  treat drainage with active addition of chemical reagents or the application of  external energy. </p>
<p><strong>advection  - </strong>Refers to processes of transport  and mixing of properties (energy, heat, moisture, etc.) of a fluid by mass  motion of that fluid in the horizontal plane. In the atmosphere, the horizontal  transfer of anything by the movement of air, i.e. wind. Common examples of  advection include heat and moisture. </p>
<p><strong>agronomic</strong> - Pertains to the growing of crops under cultivation. </p>
<p><strong>alkalinity</strong> - The titratable alkalinity, using a standard acid  titrant, as performed in accordance with standard methods. It is normally  reported as milligrams per liter as calcium carbonate (CaCO3), but  it may also be reported as milliequivalents per liter as bicarbonate (HCO3-). </p>
<p><strong>alteration</strong> -  A change produced in a rock by chemical  or physical action.</p>
<p><strong>alumino  silicate mineral</strong> - A-mineral in rock  or soil based on aluminum and silicon, such as a feldspar, mica, or clay  mineral. </p>
<p><strong>ameliorate</strong> - To improve or make better. Commonly referring to  soil, when improving soil with respect to its plant growth properties. </p>
<p><strong>amendment</strong> - A material that is incorporated into another  substance to improve its properties.  For  instance, into soil to improve soil quality and/or plant growth, or into a mine  waste facility to improve its geotechnical and/or environmental properties.</p>
<p><strong>anion</strong> - An ion with a negative charge.</p>
<p><strong>anoxic  limestone drain (ALD)</strong> - A buried  trench or cell of limestone into which anoxic water is introduced to raise pH  and add alkalinity, without coating the limestone with precipitates resulting  from metal (Fe, Mn) oxidation. </p>
<p><strong>anthropogenic</strong> - Formed through or related to the activities of  humans. </p>
<p><strong>aquifer</strong> - A geologic formation, group of formations, or part  of a formation that contains sufficient saturated permeable material to yield  significant quantities of water to springs and wells. </p>
<p><strong>aquitard</strong> - A geologic formation, group of formations, or part of a  formation with low values of hydraulic  conductivity, which allows some movement of water through it, but at rates of  flow lower than those of adjacent aquifers.</p>
<p><strong>authigenic  mineral</strong> – Mineral that developed in  place. Mainly refers to sedimentary material formed during or after deposition.</p>
<p><strong>autotrophic bacterium</strong> - An organism that produces  complex organic compounds from simple inorganic molecules using energy from light  or inorganic chemical reactions.</p>
<p><strong>backfill </strong>- Geologic materials returned to an open pit or placed  back into an underground mine, after desirable minerals have been removed, to  bring a surface mine back to original contour, partially refill an open pit, or  to improve stability of underground workings. </p>
<p><strong>background </strong>- Natural concentrations of an element in natural  materials that exclude human influence. A background measurement represents an  idealized situation and is typically more difficult to measure than a <strong>baseline</strong><em>.</em></p>
<p><strong>barometric  pumping</strong> - Variation in the ambient  atmospheric pressure that causes motion of air in porous and fractured earth  materials, such as waste rock piles.</p>
<p><strong>baseline </strong>- A baseline measurement represents concentrations  measured at some point in time and may or may not represent the true  background. Baseline concentrations are typically expressed as a range, not as  a single value. </p>
<p><strong>beneficial reuse </strong>- Using a substance normally considered a waste  product in a new application or product. </p>
<p><strong>beneficiation </strong>- The processing of ores for the purpose of regulating  the size of a desired product; removing unwanted constituents; and improving  the quality, purity, or assay grade of a desired product. Concentration or other  preparation of ores can be for smelting by screening, drying, flotation, or  gravity or magnetic separation. Improvement of the grade of ores can be by  milling, screening, flotation, sintering, gravity concentration, or other  chemical and mechanical processes. </p>
<p><strong>benthos </strong>- The organisms living on or in the bottom of water bodies. </p>
<p><strong>bioaccessibility</strong> - The fraction of a substance that is available for absorption  by an organism. </p>
<p><strong>bioavailability </strong>- The  fraction of a substance that can be absorbed by the body through the  gastrointestinal system, the pulmonary system and the skin. By its definition,  bioavailability also includes the process of bioaccessibility.</p>
<p><strong>biodiversity </strong>-  The variety of living organisms at all levels of organization. </p>
<p><strong>biogeochemistry </strong>- The scientific study of  the chemical, physical, geological, and biological processes and reactions that  govern the composition of the natural environment (including the biosphere, the  hydrosphere, the pedosphere, the atmosphere, and the lithosphere), and the  cycles of matter and energy that transport the Earth's chemical components in  time and space. </p>
<p><strong>bioirrigation -</strong> The exchange of dissolved  substances between pore water and overlying water.<strong></strong></p>
<p><strong>biomagnification -</strong> Uptake of a contaminant through a food chain resulting in  increasing concentrations through multiple trophic levels.</p>
<p><strong>biomass </strong><strong>-</strong> Standing crop of living material usually expressed as the amount of live or dry  weight per unit area; usually associated with soil microbes, animals, and plant  residues. </p>
<p><strong>bioreactivity</strong>-  Governs whether a contaminant will be assimilated into a cell if it is <strong>bioavailable</strong>. </p>
<p><strong>biota – </strong>In ecology, the plant and animal life of a region </p>
<p><strong>bioturbation</strong> - The movement and relocation of bottom sediments by the activities of  bottom-dwelling organisms.</p>
<p><strong>block model</strong> – A model of an ore deposit generated by interpolating assay values from  irregularly distributed drill hole data to a regular two- or three-dimensional  grid.</p>
<p><strong>borehole</strong> - The generalised term for any narrow shaft drilled  in the ground, either vertically, horizontally, or inclined.</p>
<p><strong>borrow  area</strong> - Place from which earthy or  rock materials are removed to serve as fill or for other construction purposes. </p>
<p><strong>brackish water </strong>- Slightly salty water. </p>
<p><strong>brines </strong>- Water  saturated or nearly saturated with a salt.</p>
<p><strong>bulk  density</strong> - A measure of the mass of  soil or rock (or other solid phase material) per unit volume, for instance g/cm3. </p>
<p><strong>capillary barrier</strong> - A space between two surfaces which is purposely made wide  enough to prevent the movement of moisture through the space by capillary  action, for instance, by using a layer of coarser rock between .finer  materials  Also frequently referred to as  “capillary break”.</p>
<p><strong>capital investment</strong> - The money paid to purchase a capital  asset or a fixed asset. </p>
<p><strong>carbonates</strong> - A class of rocks containing calcium (Ca) and/or  magnesium (Mg) carbonate, such as limestone and dolomite. </p>
<p><strong>catchment</strong> - See <strong>watershed</strong><em>.</em></p>
<p><strong>cation</strong> – An ion with a positive charge. </p>
<p><strong>chain pillar </strong>- A series of pillars left between panels that support  the mine roof and allow access to the mine panels as well as air exchange in an  underground mine. </p>
<p><strong>chemocline</strong> - The border region or interface between water  volumes with two contrasting and predominating chemistries within a body of  water.</p>
<p><strong>cleanup </strong>- Actions taken to address a release or threat of release of a  hazardous substance that could affect humans and/or the environment. The term  is sometimes used interchangeably with remedial action, removal action,  response action, or corrective action. </p>
<p><strong>colonization </strong>- The movement of new individuals or species into an area. </p>
<p><strong>commodity  -</strong> An article of commerce or a product  that can be used for commerce.  In a  narrow sense, products traded on authorized commodity exchanges.  Types of commodities include agricultural  products, metals, petroleum, foreign currencies, and financial instruments.</p>
<p><strong>community </strong>- Assemblage of plants and animals occurring in  natural systems. </p>
<p><strong>compaction </strong>- Increase in soil bulk density, caused by loading at  the surface, generally by wheel traffic; the action of moving soil particles  closer together by compressing the pore space. </p>
'''Adsorption''' – The Adhesion of one substance on the surface of another.
<p><strong>compost</strong> - The end result of controlled [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aerobic_decomposition aerobic decomposition] of [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Organic_matter organic matter] known as [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Composting composting]. It is used in [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Landscaping landscaping], [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Horticulture horticulture] and [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Agriculture agriculture] as a [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Soil_conditioner soil conditioner] and [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fertilizer fertilizer] to add vital [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Humus humus] or [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Humic_acids humic acids]. It is also useful  for erosion control, land and stream reclamation, wetland construction, and as  landfill cover.</p>
'''Advection''' - The horizontal movement of a mass of water that causes changes in temperature or in other physical properties of the water.
<p><strong>composite sample </strong>- A sample made by the combination of several distinct  subsamples. Composite samples are often prepared to represent a minable or  treatable unit of material when it is not economically feasible or desirable to  analyze a large quantity of individual samples; to represent a particular type or  classification of material; or when subsample volumes are insufficient to allow  analyses by desired analytical techniques.</p>
<p><strong>conceptual  site model</strong> - A representation of a  site and its environment that represents what is known or suspected about  contaminant sources as well as the physical, chemical and biological processes  that affect contaminant transport to potential environmental receptors.</p>
<p><strong>contaminant</strong> - Any physical, chemical, biological, or radiological  substance or matter that has an adverse effect on human and ecological  receptors as well as environmental media (e.g., air, water, soil, sediment). </p>
<p><strong>convection</strong> - In physics, convection is the transport and mixing  of properties (energy, heat, moisture, etc.) of a fluid by mass motion of that  fluid. In meteorology, convection generally refers to such transport and mixing  in the vertical direction, and <strong>advection</strong> refers to processes in the  horizontal plane.</p>
<p><strong>corrosive</strong> - A corrosive  substance is one that will destroy or irreversibly damage another  substance with which it comes in contact. The main hazards to people include  damage to eyes, skin and tissue under the skin, but inhalation or ingestion of  a corrosive substance can damage the respiratory and gastrointestinal tracts.</p>
<p><strong>cryoconcentration</strong> – The concentration of chemical constituents in a liquid due to  freezing. </p>
<p><strong>crystallinity</strong> –The degree of structural order in a solid.</p>
<p><strong>data</strong> - Any  information about a feature or condition; usually implies a numerical format  but also can be textual information. </p>
<p><strong>data quality objective (DQO)</strong> - Qualitative and quantitative statement of the  overall level of uncertainty that a decision-maker will accept in results or  decisions based on environmental data. A DQO provides the statistical framework  for planning and managing environmental data operations consistent with the  user's needs. </p>
<p><strong>density</strong> - The number of individuals per unit area. </p>
<p><strong>diagenetic  mineral</strong> -  Mineral that underwent a physical , chemical,  or biological change after its initial formation, for instance due to changes  in pressure, temperature, or fluid interaction.</p>
<p><strong>discharge  point</strong> - Location at which  mineral-processing waste is pumped into a basin or impoundment. </p>
<p><strong>dissolved  oxygen</strong> - A measure of water quality  indicating the amount of oxygen dissolved in water. This is one of the most  important indicators of a water body's condition, because most aquatic  organisms require dissolved oxygen. </p>
<p><strong>dissolved  solids</strong> - The weight of matter,  including both organic and inorganic matter, in solution in a stated volume of  water. The amount of dissolved solids is usually determined by filtering water  through a glass or 0.45-μm pore-diameter micrometer filter, weighing the  filtrate residue remaining after the evaporation of the water, and drying the  salts to constant weight at 180°C. </p>
<p><strong>dolomitic</strong> <strong>limestone</strong> - Limestone (calcium carbonate) containing a significant percentage of dolomite  (calcium-magnesium carbonate). </p>
<p><strong>drainage</strong> - Any water draining from a natural or human-made  feature, including natural surface water runoff, mine drainage, and groundwater  that has come to the surface.  </p>
<p><strong>ecology</strong> - The study of the interrelationship of organisms  with their environment. </p>
<p><strong>ecosystem</strong> - A community of organisms considered together with  the nonliving factors of its environment. </p>
<p><strong>effluent</strong> - A material, usually a liquid waste, that is emitted  by a source, which is often industrial, such as a metallurgical or water  treatment process. Gaseous effluents are usually called <strong>emissions</strong><em>. </em></p>
<p><strong>electrical  conductivity</strong> - Indicates the  concentration of ionized constituents in a water sample or soil matrix. </p>
<p><strong>emissions</strong> -  Gaseous materials emitted by a source. </p>
<p><strong>environmental impact assessment </strong>- A process required under national or regional  environmental legislation in which potential environmental, physical, and  social impacts and mitigation measures are identified, evaluated, and discussed.  A provision for notifying citizens and considering their comments is commonly integral  to the process. </p>
<p><strong>epithermal  deposits</strong> - A mineral deposit  consisting of veins and replacement bodies that usually occurs in volcanic or  sedimentary rocks, containing precious metals, and sometimes, although rarely,  base metals. Typically formed at shallow depths (i.e., within about 1 km of the  Earth's surface) in a temperature range between 50 to 200 degrees C, usually resulting  in characteristic vein-like structures.</p>
<p><strong>erosion </strong>- The entrainment and transportation of soil through the action of  wind, water, or ice. </p>
<p><strong>evapoconcentration</strong> – The concentration of chemical constituents in a liquid due to  evaporative processes. </p>
<p><strong>evapotranspiration</strong> - The sum of evaporation  and plant transpiration from the earth's land surface to atmosphere.</p>
<p><strong>exothermic reaction</strong> - A chemical reaction that  releases energy in the form of heat. It is the opposite of an endothermic  reaction.</p>
<p><strong>extraction </strong>- The process of mining and removal of ore from a  mine. This term is often used in relation to all processes of obtaining metals  from ores, which involve breaking down ore both mechanically (crushing) and  chemically (decomposition), and separating the metal from the associated  gangue. </p>
<p><strong>extraction ratio </strong>- The ratio of the amount of ore removed to the amount  of ore remaining in a mine or disposed of as waste. </p>
<p><strong>fauna </strong><strong>–</strong> The animal component of natural systems. </p>
<p><strong>fermentation</strong> – A process which derives energy from the oxidation  of organic compounds, such as carbohydrates, using an electron acceptor, which  is usually an organic compound</p>
<p><strong>fermenting bacteria</strong> - Anaerobic bacteria that use organic molecules as  their final electron acceptor to produce fermentation  end-products.</p>
<p><strong>flora </strong>- The plant component of natural systems. </p>
<p><strong>flotation</strong> <strong>-</strong> The  method of mineral separation in which a froth, created in water by a variety of  reagents, floats some finely ground minerals while other minerals sink. </p>
<p><strong>footprint</strong> - The planimetric area covered by a mine operation  and associated roads, ponds, and other structures. </p>
<p><strong>framboidal  pyrite</strong> - Spherically shaped  agglomerations of minute (approximately 0.25 micrometer)  crystals of pyrite (FeS2). It is the most reactive of all pyrite  morphologies. </p>
<p><strong>gangue</strong> - The  minerals  without value in an ore; that part of an ore that is not economically desirable  but cannot be avoided when mining the deposit. It is separated from the ore  during beneficiation. </p>
<p><strong>geographic  information system (GIS)</strong> - A computer  program or system that allows storage, retrieval, and analysis of spatially  related information in both graphical and database formats. </p>
<p><strong>geomembrane</strong> – Impermeable material (usually a <strong>geosynthetic</strong>) used as a cut-off or  liner to prevent movement of water.</p>
<p><strong>geophysical survey</strong> - The systematic collection  of geophysical data for spatial studies. Geophysical surveys may use a great  variety of sensing instruments, and data may be collected from above or below  the Earth's surface or from aerial or marine platforms.</p>
<p><strong>geostatistics</strong> - The mathematical assessment of variability in a  biological, chemical, or physical parameter across a distance or area. </p>
<p><strong>geosynthetics</strong> - The term used to describe a range of generally  polymeric products used to solve civil engineering problems.</p>
<p><strong>glory hole</strong> -  An informal term for a large mine  excavation open to the surface, such as a mine shaft or an open pit mine.  In the block caving method of underground  mining, ore collapses from above into a mine tunnel. If enough ore is removed,  the ground surface collapses into a surface depression called a glory hole.</p>
<p><strong>gradient</strong> - The inclination of profile grade line from the  horizontal, expressed as a percent- age (synonym = rate of grade). </p>
<p><strong>groundwater</strong> - Water in the zone below the surface of the earth  where voids are filled with water. This is in contrast to surface water. </p>
<p><strong>habitat</strong> - The place where a population (e.g., human, animal,  plant, microorganism) lives, its surroundings, and its contents, both living  and nonliving. </p>
<p><strong>heap leach/heap  leaching</strong> - An industrial mining  process to extract precious metals and copper compounds from ore.  The mined ore is crushed into small chunks  and heaped on an impermeable plastic and/or clay lined leach pad where it can  be irrigated with a leach solution to dissolve the valuable metals. Either  sprinklers, or often drip irrigation, are used to minimize evaporation. The  solution then percolates through the heap, leaches out the precious metal, and  is collected. </p>
<p><strong>hot  spot</strong> - An area or volume of ore, mine  soil, spoil, tailings, or waste with an enhanced reactivity relative to the  remainder.  </p>
<p><strong>hydraulic backfill</strong> - Any kind of backfill carried by water through pipelines into an  underground mine. Solid particles are sluiced through the water quickly without  having the chance to settle until they reach the dumping point. </p>
<p><strong>hydraulic conductivity</strong> - A property of soil or  rock that describes the ease with which water can move through pore spaces or  fractures. It depends on the intrinsic permeability of the material and on the  degree of saturation. </p>
<p><strong>hydraulic head</strong> - A  specific measurement of water pressure above a geodetic datum. It is usually  measured as a water surface elevation, expressed in units of length, at the  entrance (or bottom) of a well. </p>
<p><strong>hydrolysis</strong> -  The process of splitting the water molecule into separate components of hydrogen  ions (H+)and hydroxide ions (OH-) that often react with other constituents  present. </p>
<p><strong>hydrometallurgical process</strong> - Part of the field of extractive metallurgy  involving the use of aqueous chemistry for the recovery of metals from ores,  concentrates, and recycled or residual materials.  Hydrometallurgy is typically divided into  three general areas: leaching, solution concentration and purification, and metal  recovery. </p>
<p><strong>hyporheic zone</strong> - The  region beneath and lateral to a stream bed, where mixing of shallow groundwater  and surface water occur. The flow dynamics and behavior in this zone (termed hyporheic flow) is recognized to be  important for surface water/groundwater interactions, as well as fish spawning,  among other processes.</p>
<p><strong>impoundment</strong> - A closed basin that is dammed or excavated and is  used for the storage, holding, settling, treatment, or discharge of water,  sediment, and/or liquid wastes. </p>
<p><strong>in situ treatment</strong> – Treatment performed in place, without disturbance,  removal, or excavation of the material being treated. </p>
<p><strong>infiltration</strong> - The downward entry of water into a soil or other  geologic material. </p>
<p><strong>infrastructure</strong> - Elements that support development of a mine,  including transportation, utility, and communication systems. </p>
<p><strong>inoculum</strong> - A source or medium for introduction of  microorganisms. </p>
<p><strong>karst topography</strong> - A landscape shaped by the  dissolution of a layer or layers of soluble bedrock, usually carbonate rock  such as limestone or dolomite. Due to subterranean drainage, there may be very  limited surface water, even to the absence of all rivers and lakes.</p>
<p><strong>kriging</strong> - A  geostatistical analysis procedure used to estimate an ore grade or biological,  chemical, or physical value at locations where no samples were collected. </p>
<p><strong>land  use</strong> - The primary use of a specific  land area. </p>
<p><strong>laterite</strong> - A surface formation in hot and wet tropical areas  which is enriched in iron and aluminum and develops by intensive and long  lasting weathering of the underlying parent rock.</p>
<p><strong>leaching</strong> - Removal by dissolution, desorption, or other chemical  reaction from a solid matrix by passing liquids through the material. </p>
<p><strong>limestone</strong> - A sedimentary rock consisting largely of calcite  (CaCO3). </p>
<p>Limnology - The study of inland waters, such as lakes and ponds,  rivers, springs, streams and wetlands.  This  comprises the biological, chemical, physical, geological, and other attributes  of all inland waters (running and standing waters, both fresh and saline,  natural or man-made). </p>
<p><strong>lithology</strong> - The character of a rock described in terms of its  structure, color, mineral composition, grain size, and arrangement of its  visible features that in the aggregate impart individuality to the rock. The  term is often used to classify rock materials for characterization purposes  along with the degree of alteration and acid-base characteristics. </p>
<p><strong>littoral</strong> - Shallow water zone in lakes and ponds. </p>
<p><strong>lysimeter</strong> - An enclosed column containing a solid (such as  soil) that is used to measure <strong>leaching</strong> and/or <strong>evapotranspiration</strong>. </p>
<p><strong>manure</strong> - Solid wastes from livestock, often mixed with  bedding materials such as straw or hay. </p>
<p><strong>metalloids</strong> - is a term used in chemistry when classifying the chemical  elements. On the basis of their general physical and chemical properties,  nearly every element in the periodic table can be termed either a metal or a nonmetal.  However, a few elements with intermediate properties, such as antimony,  arsenic, boron, and silicon, are referred to as <strong>metalloids</strong></p>
<p><strong>metallurgy</strong> - The science and technology of extracting and  refining metals and the creation of materials or products from metals. </p>
<p><strong>metallurgical  processing</strong> - The methods employed to  clean, process, and prepare metallic ores for the final marketable product. </p>
<p><strong>metastable</strong> -  A general scientific concept that  describes states of delicate equilibrium. A system is in a <strong>metastable state</strong> when it is in equilibrium (not changing with time) but is susceptible to fall  into lower-energy states with only slight interaction.  An example of a metastable system is a  supersaturated solution. </p>
<p><strong>methanogens</strong> - A group of single-celled microorganisms,  that produce methane as a metabolic byproduct in anoxic conditions. They are  common in wetlands, where they are responsible for marsh gas, and in the guts  of animals such as ruminants and humans.</p>
<p><strong>microclimate</strong> - Localized temperature, moisture, wind, and other  climate conditions, caused by differences in hydrologic climate and vegetation  differences due to topography or surface configuration. For example, windbreaks  create microclimates. </p>
<p><strong>milling</strong> - The crushing and grinding of ore. The term may  include the removal of harmful constituents or constituents without economic  value from the ore and preparation for additional processing or sale to market. </p>
<p><strong>mine</strong> - An opening or excavation in the ground for the  purpose of extracting minerals. </p>
<p><strong>mine rehabilitation</strong> - Modern  mine rehabilitation aims to minimize and mitigate the environmental effects of  mining. </p>
<p><strong>mineral deposit </strong>- An occurrence of any valuable commodity or mineral  that is of a sufficient size and grade (concentration) to have potential for  economic development under favorable conditions. </p>
<p><strong>mineralogy </strong>- The study of minerals and their formation,  occurrence, use, properties, com- position, and classification; also refers to  the specific mineral or assemblage of minerals at a location or in a rock unit. </p>
<p><strong>mining </strong>- The process of extracting useful minerals from the earth's crust. </p>
<p><strong>mitigation </strong>- Correction of damage caused by mining activity  (e.g., mine subsidence, wetland impacts, acid drainage). </p>
<p><strong>monitoring </strong>- The periodic or continuous surveillance or testing  to determine the level of compliance with process or statutory requirements in  various media or in humans, plants, and animals. </p>
<p><strong>mucking</strong> – To remove rocks or clay excavated in mining. </p>
<p><strong>mulch </strong>- A layer of nonliving material applied or occurring  on the surface that is placed on top of a growth medium to control erosion and  weed growth and to conserve moisture. </p>
<p><strong>net present value</strong> - <strong>Net  present value</strong> (<strong>NPV</strong>) or <strong>net  present worth</strong> (<strong>NPW</strong>) is defined as the total present value (PV) of a time  series of cash flows. It is a standard method for using the time value of money  to appraise long-term projects. Used for capital budgeting, and widely  throughout economics, it measures the excess or shortfall of cash flows, in  present value terms, once financing charges are met.</p>
<p><strong>neutral mine drainage</strong> - A neutral pH, metal-laden, sulfate-rich drainage  that occurs during land disturbance where sulfur or metal sulfides are exposed  to atmospheric conditions. It forms under natural conditions from the oxidation  ofsulfide minerals and  where the alkalinity equals or exceeds the acidity.<strong></strong></p>
<p><strong>neutralization potential (NP) -</strong> The amount of alkaline or basic material in rock or  soil materials that is estimated by acid reaction followed by titration to  determine the capability of neutralizing acid from exchangeable acidity or  pyrite oxidation. May also be referred to as acid neutralization potentialor ANP. </p>
<p><strong>neutralization reaction</strong>  – A chemical reaction in which an acid and a base or  alkali (soluble base) react to produce salt and water, which do not exhibit any  of the acid or base properties. </p>
<p><strong>ore</strong> - The  naturally occurring material from which a mineral or minerals of economic value  can be extracted profitably or to satisfy social or political objectives. The  term is generally, but not always, used to refer to metalliferous material and  is often modified by the names of the valuable metal constituents. </p>
<p><strong>ore  deposit</strong> - A mineral deposit that has  been tested and found to be of sufficient size, grade, and accessibility to be  extracted for a profit at a specific time, based on economic assumptions. </p>
<p><strong>organic  matter</strong> - The accumulation of  disintegrated and decomposed biological residues and other organic compounds  synthesized by microorganisms or used in mining and metallurgical processing;  found in soils, ores, concentrates, waste rocks, tailings, and metallurgical  processing wastes. </p>
<p><strong>overburden</strong> - Material of any nature, consolidated or  unconsolidated, that overlies a deposit of useful and minable materials or  ores, especially those deposits that are mined from the surface by open cuts or  pits. </p>
<p><strong>oxidation</strong> - A chemical process involving a reaction(s) that  produces an increase in the oxidation state of elements such as iron and  sulfur. </p>
<p><strong>passive  treatment systems</strong> - Systems that  treat acid mine drainage without continual and active additions of chemicals, including  aerobic and anaerobic wetlands, anoxic limestone drains, successive  alkalinity-producing systems, and open limestone channels. </p>
<p><strong>pathway</strong> - The physical course a chemical or pollutant takes  from its source to an exposed organism. </p>
<p><strong>peat</strong> - An accumulation of partially decayed vegetation matter.  Peat forms in wetlands or peatlands. </p>
<p><strong>periphyton</strong> -  A complex mixture of algae, bacteria,  microbes, and detritus that is attached to submerged surfaces in most aquatic ecosystems.  It serves as an important food source for many aquatic organisms. It can also  absorb contaminants; removing them from the water column and limiting their  movement through the environment. </p>
<p><strong>permafrost</strong> -  Soil at or below the freezing point of  water for two or more years. Most permafrost is located in high latitudes (i.e.  land in close proximity to the North and South poles), but alpine permafrost may exist at high altitudes  in much lower latitudes.</p>
<p><strong>pH</strong> - A measure of the acidity (pH less than 7) or  alkalinity (pH greater than 7) of a solution; a pH of 7 is considered neutral.  It is a measure of the hydrogen ion concentration (more specifically, the  negative log of the hydrogen ion activity for glass electrodes) of a soil  suspension or solution. </p>
<p><strong>photochemistry</strong> – A sub-discipline of chemistry, is the  study of the interactions between atoms, small molecules, and light (or electromagnetic  radiation). </p>
<p><strong>photosynthesis</strong> – A metabolic pathway that converts carbon  dioxide into organic compounds, especially sugars, using the energy from  sunlight.  Photosynthesis occurs in plants,  algae, and many species of bacteria.</p>
<p><strong>physiography</strong> – The physical structure and shape of an environment. </p>
<p><strong>phyto-remediation</strong> – The treatment of environmental  problems through the use of plants.<strong></strong></p>
<p><strong>pit lake</strong> -  Any perennial or ephemeral water body that occupies an excavation in the land  surface created for the collection of ore material. </p>
<p><strong>pollutant</strong> - Any organic substance, inorganic substance, a combination of organic and inorganic substances, a pathogenic organism, or heat  that, when introduced into the environment, adversely impacts the usefulness of  a resource. </p>
<p><strong>pore  water</strong> - Water occupying the voids in  soil or sediment. </p>
<p><strong>porphyry copper deposits</strong> – Large to very large  low-grade copper ore bodies which are associated with porphyritic intrusive  rocks. The ore generally occurs as disseminations along hairline fractures as  well as within larger veins, which often form a stockwork. </p>
<p><strong>porosity</strong> - A measure of the void spaces in a material.  Expressed as a fraction between 0 and 1, or  as a percentage between 0 and 100%.</p>
<p><strong>potentiometric map</strong> - A contour map of the potentiometric or water level surface. As  on the surface of the earth, water flows from high elevation, or potential, to  low elevation.  Thus a potentiometric map  indicates which direction water is moving in the subsurface. </p>
<p><strong>production</strong> - The total amount of mass produced by a plant, mine,  aquifer, and so forth. </p>
<p><strong>prospecting</strong> – The physical search for minerals, fossils,  precious metals, or mineral specimens.</p>
<p><strong>pyrometallurgical  process - </strong>The thermal treatment of  minerals and metallurgical ores and concentrates to bring about physical and  chemical transformations in the materials to enable recovery of valuable  metals. </p>
<p><strong>quality  assurance/ quality control (QA/ QC)</strong> -  A system of procedures, checks, audits, and corrective actions to ensure that  all research design and performance, environmental monitoring and sampling, and  other technical and reporting activities are of the quality that meets the  testing objectives. <strong></strong></p>
<p><strong>random sample</strong> - A subset of a statistical population in which each item has an equal and  independent chance of being chosen. </p>
<p><strong>receptor</strong> -  An ecological entity exposed to a stressor. </p>
<p><strong>reclamation</strong> <strong>- </strong>Rehabilitation or return of disturbed  land to productive uses; includes all activities of spoil movement, grading,  and seeding; and the return of productivity equal to or exceeding that prior to  its being disturbed. </p>
<p><strong>redox</strong> - Shorthand  for reduction-oxidation.  Describes all chemical reactions in which  atoms have their oxidation number (oxidation state) changed, most commonly  through the transfer of electrons. </p>
<p><strong>refining</strong> -  The purification of a crude metal product; normally the stage following  smelting. </p>
<p><strong>remediation</strong> - Cleanup or other methods used to remove or contain a toxic spill or hazardous  materials from a site. It is the process of correcting, counteracting, or  removing an environmental problem and often refers to the removal of  potentially toxic materials from soil or water. </p>
<p><strong>remining</strong> - The return to underground or surface mines or previously  mined areas for further ore removal by surface mining and reclaiming to current  reclamation standards. It also refers to the process of mining for processing  of mine and mill wastes (processed or unprocessed) to extract additional metals  or other commodities due to a change in extraction technology or economics that  make such remining profitable. </p>
<p><strong>representative sample</strong> - A portion of material or water that is as nearly  identical in content and consistency as possible to that in the larger body of  material or water being sampled. </p>
<p><strong>respiration</strong> - The metabolic oxidation of organic compounds by living organisms to produce  energy (i.e., breathing). </p>
<p><strong>riparian</strong> - The land bordering a stream channel. </p>
<p><strong>risk</strong> - A measure of the probability that damage to life,  health, property, and/ or the environment will occur as a result of a given  hazard. </p>
<p><strong>risk  assessment</strong> - A qualitative and/or  quantitative evaluation of the risk posed to human health and/or the  environment by the actual or potential presence and/or use of specific pollutants.  Risk assessments are conducted for a number of reasons, including to establish  whether an ecological risk exists, to identify the need for additional data  collection, to focus on the dangers of a specific pollutant or the risks posed  to a specific site, and to help develop contingency plans and other responses  to pollutant releases. </p>
<p><strong>risk  management</strong> - The process of  evaluating and selecting alternative regulatory and non- regulatory responses  to risk. The selection process necessarily requires the consideration of legal,  economic, and behavioral factors. </p>
<p><strong>sample</strong> - A representative portion of a population. </p>
<p><strong>sedimentation</strong> - The process of depositing entrained soil particles  or geologic materials from water. In a mining context, it usually results from  erosion of disturbed land and is considered a negative impact to streams and  other water bodies. </p>
<p><strong>sediment</strong> -  any particulate matter that can be transported by fluid flow, and which  eventually is deposited.</p>
<p><strong>sewage  sludge</strong> - The mainly organic, solid  residual materials resulting from the treatment of sewage, often used as a soil  amendment. </p>
<p><strong>shale</strong> - A thinly bedded or fissile sedimentary rock formed  from clay or silt. </p>
<p><strong>shovel </strong>- Machine used to excavate ore or  other minerals and to load these minerals for transport. Its bucket is loaded  from the top, and the bottom is opened for emptying the contents. </p>
<p><strong>skarn</strong> - Skarn is a metamorphic rock formed  during metamorphism and in the contact zone of magmatic intrusions like granites  with carbonate-rich rocks such as limestone or dolomite</p>
<p><strong>slimes</strong> <strong>– </strong>Material  of silt or clay in size, resulting from the washing, concentration, or  treatment of ground ore. </p>
<p><strong>slope</strong> - The degree to which the ground angle deviates from  horizontal, expressed as a percent rise over run or as a degree angle. </p>
<p><strong>slurry</strong> - Any mixture of solids and fluids that behaves as a  fluid and can be transported hydraulically (e.g., by pipeline). See also <strong>tailings</strong><em>. </em></p>
<p><strong>smelting</strong> - The chemical reduction of a metal from its ore or  concentrate by a process usually involving fusion, so that earthy and other  impurities separate as lighter and more fusible slags, and can readily be  removed from the reduced metal. The process commonly involves addition of  reagents (fluxes) that facilitate chemical reactions and the separation of  metals from impurities. </p>
<p><strong>sorption</strong> - refers to the action of both absorption and adsorption  taking place simultaneously. As such, it is the effect of gases or liquids  being incorporated into a material of a different state and adhering to the surface of another molecule. Absorption is  the incorporation of a substance in one state into another of a different state  (e.g., liquids being absorbed by a solid or gases being absorbed by a liquid).  Adsorption is the physical adherence or bonding of ions and molecules onto the  surface of another molecule.</p>
<p><strong>stakeholders</strong> - a person, group, organization, or  system that affects or can be affected by an organization's actions.</p>
<p><strong>stratigraphy</strong> – The layering or bedding of varying rock  types reflecting changing environments of formation and deposition.  Also, a branch of geology that concerns  itself with the study of rock layers and layering (stratification). </p>
<p><strong>stressor</strong> - An event that provokes stress.</p>
<p><strong>sulfosalts</strong> –Complex  sulfide minerals with the general formula: AmBnSp;  where A represents a metal such as copper, lead, or silver; B represents a semi-metal  such as arsenic, antimony or bismuth; and S is sulfur or rarely selenium. </p>
<p><strong>surface  mining (strip mining)</strong> - A procedure  of mining that entails the complete removal of overburden material; may  generally refer to either an area and/or a contour mine. </p>
<p><strong>surface  water</strong> - Water at or near the land  surface, such as lakes and streams, as opposed to groundwater. </p>
<p><strong>sustainable  development</strong> – A pattern of resource  use that aims to meet human needs while preserving the environment so that  these needs can be met not only in the present, but in the indefinite future.  The term was used by the Brundtland Commission which coined what has become the  most often-quoted definition of sustainable development as development that  &quot;meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future  generations to meet their own needs.&quot;</p>
<p><strong>tailings</strong> - The solid waste product (gangue and other material)  resulting fromthe  milling and mineral concentration process (washing, concentration, and/or treatment)  applied to ground ore. This term is usually used for sand to clay-sized refuse  that is considered toolow  in mineral values to be treated further, as opposed to the concentrates that  contain the valuable metals. </p>
<p><strong>tailings  dam</strong> - See <strong>tailings impoundment</strong><em>. </em></p>
<p><strong>tailings  impoundment</strong> - Any structure designed  and constructed for the purpose of capturing and retaining liquid-solid  slurries of mill tailings in which the solids settle. The liquid may or may not  be discharged or captured for recycling after the solids have settled out of  suspension. <em>Tailings pond </em>and <em>tailings dam </em>are often used  interchangeably with <em>tailings impoundment </em>and <em>tailings storage  facilities. </em></p>
<p><strong>taxa</strong> - Taxonomic groups. </p>
<p><strong>thermal stratification</strong> - Refers  to a temperature layering effect that  occurs in water. Stratification is due to differences in water density: warm  water is less dense than cool water and therefore tends to float on top of the  cooler heavier water.</p>
<p><strong>thermoclines</strong> - The border region or interface between  water volumes with two contrasting temperatures (and frequently densities and  composition) within a body of water.</p>
<p><strong>topography</strong> –The physical structure,shape, and features (natural and  man-made) of an environment.</p>
<p><strong>toxicity</strong> - A property of a substance that indicates its ability  to cause physical and/or physiological harm to an organism (plant, animal, or  human), usually under particular conditions and above a certain concentration  limit, below which no toxicity effects have been observed. </p>
<p><strong>turbidity - </strong>The  cloudiness or haziness of a fluid caused by individual particles (suspended  solids) that are generally invisible to the naked eye. The measurement of  turbidity is a key test of water quality.  </p>
<p><strong>vadose  zone</strong> - The portion of Earth between  the land surface and the water table or zone of saturation.  Also named the <em>unsaturated zone</em>.</p>
<p> <strong>volcanogenic  massive sulphide (VMS) deposits</strong> - A type of metal sulfide ore deposit, mainly copper-lead-zinc,  which is associated with and created by volcanic-associated hydrothermal events  in submarine environments.  </p>
<p><strong>waste  rock</strong> - Barren or mineralized rock  that has been mined but is of insufficient value to warrant treatment and,  therefore, is removed ahead of the metallurgical processes and disposed of on  site. The term is usually used for wastes that are larger than sand-sized  material and can be up to large boulders in size; also referred to as <em>waste  rock dump </em>or <em>rock pile.</em></p>
<p><strong>water  balance</strong> - An accounting of the inflow  to, outflow from, and storage changes of water in a hydrologic unit over a  fixed period. </p>
<p><strong>water  quality standards</strong> - Ambient standards  for water bodies. The standards prescribe the use of the water body and  establish the water quality criteria that must be met to protect designated  uses. </p>
<p><strong>watershed</strong> - The land area that drains into a stream. The  watershed for a major river may encompass a number of smaller watersheds that  ultimately combine at a common point. </p>
<p><strong>weathering</strong> - Process whereby earthy or rocky materials are  changed in color, texture, com- position, or form (with little or no  transportation) by exposure to atmospheric agents. </p>
<p><strong>weir</strong> - A small overflow-type dam commonly used to raise the  level of a river or stream. Water flows over the top of a weir, although some  weirs have sluice gates which release water at a level below the top of the  weir. The crest of an overflow spillway on a large dam is often called a weir.   Weirs are frequently used for flow measurements.</p>
<p><strong>wetlands</strong> <strong>-</strong> Land  areas containing ponded water or saturated surface soil for some portion of the growing season. Those with standing water for long periods may be mined only  under special conditions, and the owner usually must reconstruct more acres of  wetlands than originally disturbed. </p>
<p><strong>workings</strong> - The entire system of openings (underground as well  as at the surface) in a mine. </p>
<p><strong>OTHER USEFUL GLOSSARIES </strong></p>
  <li>General  geological dictionary - [http://www.webref.org/geology/geology.htm http://www.webref.org/geology/geology.htm]</li>
  <li>Glossary of  general mining and processing terms - [http://www.northernminer.com/resources/tools/glossary.aspx http://www.northernminer.com/resources/tools/glossary.aspx]</li>
  <li>Mineral  Information Finder, a very comprehensive web site - [http://www.rocksandminerals.com/glossary.htm http://www.rocksandminerals.com/glossary.htm]</li>
  <li>Minerals  Information Institute, photos and descriptions of minerals - [http://www.mii.org/mineral-photos-type http://www.mii.org/mineral-photos-type]</li>
  <li>19th  and 20th century mining terms, based in Australia - [http://www.heritagearchaeology.com.au/Glossary.htm http://www.heritagearchaeology.com.au/Glossary.htm]</li>
<li>Many useful  technical glossaries: US. Geological Survey: [http://www.usgs.gov/ http://www.usgs.gov/]</li>
  <li>SME (2008).  Basics of Metal Mining Influenced Water  (edited by V.T. McLemore).  Society for  Mining, Metallurgy, and Exploration.</li>
'''Area Use''' – The extent to which an area Is Used (E.G., For Feeding, Rearing) By Organisms Such As Fish.
'''Assessment Endpoint''' - The undesired effect whose probability of occurrence is estimated in a risk assessment. The explicit expression of the environmental value that is to be protected. examples include extinction of an endangered species, eutrophication of a lake, or loss of a fishery.
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'''Benthic''' - Referring to organisms living in or on the sediments of aquatic habitats.
'''Benthos''' - The sum total of organisms (including plants and animals) living in, or on, the sediments of aquatic habitats.
'''Biaccessibility''' – The fraction of a chemical present in the environment that is not immediately bioavailable but which may be available for uptake by organisms over the long term.
'''Bioassay''' - The use of an organism or part of an organism as a method for measuring or assessing the presence or biological effects of one or more substances under defined conditions. a bioassay test is used to measure a degree of response (e.g., growth, or death) produced by exposure to a physical, chemical or biological variable (a toxicity test) or uptake of a chemical into an organism (a bioaccumulation test).
'''Bioavailability''' – Refers to the fraction of the total chemical in the surrounding environment which can be taken up by organisms. the environment may include water, sediment, suspended particles, and food items.
'''Biomagnification''' – Uptake of a contaminant through a food chain resulting in increasing concentrations through three or more trophic levels.
'''Bioturbation''' - The movement and relocation of bottom sediments by the activities of bottom-dwelling organisms.
'''Chronic Toxicity''' – A biological response of relatively slow progress and long continuance, usually associated with lower concentrations of chemicals than would cause an acute toxicity response.
'''Coincidental Sampling''' – Different field-collected samples from the same area/station are used for different analyses.
'''Conceptual Site Model''' – A three-dimensional representation of a site and its environment that represents what is known or suspected about contaminant sources as well as the physical, chemical and biological processes that affect contaminant transport to potential environmental receptors.
'''Contamination''' – A substance present where it should not be or at concentrations higher than background.
'''Diffusion''' - The random movement and scattering of water-soluble contaminants in the interstitial waters of sediments and into the overlying water column.
'''Distal''' – Situated away from the point of origin.
'''Ecological Risk Assessment''' - The process that evaluates the likelihood that adverse ecological effects may occur or are occurring as a result of exposure to one or more stressors. this definition recognizes that a risk does not exist unless: (1) the stressor has an inherent ability to cause adverse effects, and (2) it is coincident with or in contact with the ecological component long enough and at sufficient intensity to elicit the identified adverse effect(s).
'''Effect''' – A change to a valued ecosystem component due to human activities. an effect is not necessarily a negative impact; and effect may be neutral or even positive.
'''Empirical''' – Derived from or depending on experience or observation/experimentation rather than theory or logic.
'''Human Health Risk Assessment''' - the process that evaluates the likelihood that adverse human health effects may occur or are occurring as a result of exposure to one or more stressors. this definition recognizes that a risk does not exist unless: (1) the stressor has an inherent ability to cause adverse effects, and (2) it is coincident with or in contact with the one or more humans long enough and at sufficient intensity to elicit the identified adverse effect(s).
Hypothesis – An assumption made in order to evaluate a logical possibility.
Impact – An effect on a population of organisms other than humans that adversely affects the utility or viability of that population. in the case of humans or endangered species, an impact would not occur at the population but rather at the individual level because individuals are protected, not populations.
Infauna – invertebrate organisms living within the bottom sediment of fresh, estuarine or marine waters.
Iinterfacial – Having a common boundary; point of connection.
Invertebrate - Animal lacking a dorsal column of vertebrae or a notochord.
Lentic – Non-flowing (static) water bodies such as lakes, ponds and marshes.
Line of Evidence – A component of weight of evidence determinations (e.g., toxicity, benthos alteration, biomagnification, chemical contamination).
Lotic – Flowing water bodies such as creeks, streams and rivers.
Mean – The arithmetic average of a collection of numbers, computed by adding them up and dividing by their number.
Measurement Endpoint - An expression of an observed or measured response to a hazard; it is a measurable environmental characteristic that is related to the valued characteristic chosen as the assessment endpoint.
Oxidation – Addition of oxygen, removal of hydrogen, or removal of electrons from an element or compound.
Pollution – Contamination resulting in adverse biological effects.
Productivity – The ability to produce life (e.g., number of offspring produced by fish).
Receptor - The entity (e.g., organism, population, community, ecosystem) that might be adversely affected by contact with or exposure to a substance of concern.
Redd – Fish such as trout and salmon build nests called redds for their eggs.
Reference - A designated site, or set of conditions, used for comparison when evaluating sediment for contamination or pollution.
Remediation – An activity undertaken to correct an unacceptable existing condition (e.g., treating or reducing effluent inputs).
Sediment - Material, such as sand or mud, suspended in or settling to the bottom of a liquid. sediment input to a body of water comes from natural sources, such as erosion of soils and weathering of rock, or as the result of anthropogenic activities, such as forest or agricultural practices, or construction activities.
Sediment Quality Guideline – A numerical value for one or more chemicals related to a level of probability (but not of certainty) that adverse environmental effects may or may not occur above or below the guideline value.
Sensitivity Analysis – Analysis undertaken to determine what data or information are primarily responsible for an assessment.
Species Sensitivity Distribution – A graphical representation of the different sensitivities of different species to the same stressor. used to determine the concentration or level of a stressor protective of most species in the environment.
Standard Deviation – A measure of the range of variation from an average or mean of a group of measurements. 95% of all measurements fall within two standard deviations of the mean.
Stochastic Uncertainty – The inherent randomness of a system being assessed; can be described and estimated but cannot be reduced.
Surficial – On the surface.
Synoptic Sampling – Sub-samples for analyses are taken from the same, generally composite, sample.
Toxic – Poisonous, carcinogenic, or otherwise directly harmful to a living organism.
Toxicity Identification Evaluation – a methodology for determining the causative agent(s) for toxicity identified in toxicity tests. specific contaminants are removed and the sample retested until toxicity has been removed, then the presumed causative agent(s) are added back in and the sample retested to confirm that they are indeed the causative agent(s).
Trophic level – Functional classification of organisms in a community according to feeding relationships – e.g., the first trophic level includes green plants, the second level includes herbivores (plant eaters), etc.
Valued Ecosystem Component – An environmental attribute or component having scientific, social, cultural, economic, or aesthetic value.
Water Quality Guideline – A numerical value for one or more chemicals related to a level of probability (but not of certainty) that adverse environmental effects may or may not occur above or below the guideline value.
Weight of Evidence – A determination related to possible ecological impacts based on multiple lines of evidence.

Latest revision as of 20:18, 31 May 2011


This glossary includes terms that can be found in this GARD Guide.  All definitions are common scientific usage.

Use your browser Edit/Find function to search for terms on this page.

abandoned mine - Excavations, structures, or equipment remaining from a former mining operation that, for all practical purposes, have been deserted while no intent of further mining is evident. An assumption of "abandoned" may be incorrect if an owner still exists, even if the owner has not performed any activity at the location for a long period, in which case the mine may be "inactive."

acid-base accounting (ABA) - An analytical technique applied to mine wastes and geologic materials that determines the potential acidity from sulfur analysis versus the neutralization potential. It is used to predict the potential of that material to be acid producing or acid neutralizing.

acid generating - Refers to ore and mine wastes that contain sulfur or sulfides, which produce acid when oxidized. Acid can also be present as acid sulfates or generated by their weathering, produced originally from oxidation of sulfides.

acid potential (AP) - The ability ofa rock or geologic material to produce acid leachates; may also be referred to as acid generation potential or AGP.

acid rain - Term referring to the deposition of a mixture of wet (rain, snow, sleet, fog, dew) and dry (acidifying particles and gases) acidic components.

acid rock drainage (ARD) - A low pH, metal-laden, sulfate-rich drainage that occurs during land disturbance where sulfur or metal sulfides are exposed to atmospheric conditions. It forms under natural conditions from the oxidation ofsulfide minerals and where the acidity exceeds the alkalinity. Non-mining exposures, such as along highway road cuts, may produce similar drainage. Also known as acid mine drainage(AMD) when it originates from mining areas.

acidity - The titratable acid as measured in accordance with standard methods. It is normally reported as milligrams per liter as calcium carbonate (CaCO3),.

acidophile - Inorganic substance or living organism (or part thereof) that favors acidic conditions or acids.

active treatment systems - Systems that treat drainage with active addition of chemical reagents or the application of external energy.

advection - Refers to processes of transport and mixing of properties (energy, heat, moisture, etc.) of a fluid by mass motion of that fluid in the horizontal plane. In the atmosphere, the horizontal transfer of anything by the movement of air, i.e. wind. Common examples of advection include heat and moisture.

agronomic - Pertains to the growing of crops under cultivation.

alkalinity - The titratable alkalinity, using a standard acid titrant, as performed in accordance with standard methods. It is normally reported as milligrams per liter as calcium carbonate (CaCO3), but it may also be reported as milliequivalents per liter as bicarbonate (HCO3-).

alteration - A change produced in a rock by chemical or physical action.

alumino silicate mineral - A-mineral in rock or soil based on aluminum and silicon, such as a feldspar, mica, or clay mineral.

ameliorate - To improve or make better. Commonly referring to soil, when improving soil with respect to its plant growth properties.

amendment - A material that is incorporated into another substance to improve its properties.  For instance, into soil to improve soil quality and/or plant growth, or into a mine waste facility to improve its geotechnical and/or environmental properties.

anion - An ion with a negative charge.

anoxic limestone drain (ALD) - A buried trench or cell of limestone into which anoxic water is introduced to raise pH and add alkalinity, without coating the limestone with precipitates resulting from metal (Fe, Mn) oxidation.

anthropogenic - Formed through or related to the activities of humans.

aquifer - A geologic formation, group of formations, or part of a formation that contains sufficient saturated permeable material to yield significant quantities of water to springs and wells.

aquitard - A geologic formation, group of formations, or part of a formation with low values of hydraulic conductivity, which allows some movement of water through it, but at rates of flow lower than those of adjacent aquifers.

authigenic mineral – Mineral that developed in place. Mainly refers to sedimentary material formed during or after deposition.

autotrophic bacterium - An organism that produces complex organic compounds from simple inorganic molecules using energy from light or inorganic chemical reactions.

backfill - Geologic materials returned to an open pit or placed back into an underground mine, after desirable minerals have been removed, to bring a surface mine back to original contour, partially refill an open pit, or to improve stability of underground workings.

background - Natural concentrations of an element in natural materials that exclude human influence. A background measurement represents an idealized situation and is typically more difficult to measure than a baseline.

barometric pumping - Variation in the ambient atmospheric pressure that causes motion of air in porous and fractured earth materials, such as waste rock piles.

baseline - A baseline measurement represents concentrations measured at some point in time and may or may not represent the true background. Baseline concentrations are typically expressed as a range, not as a single value.

beneficial reuse - Using a substance normally considered a waste product in a new application or product.

beneficiation - The processing of ores for the purpose of regulating the size of a desired product; removing unwanted constituents; and improving the quality, purity, or assay grade of a desired product. Concentration or other preparation of ores can be for smelting by screening, drying, flotation, or gravity or magnetic separation. Improvement of the grade of ores can be by milling, screening, flotation, sintering, gravity concentration, or other chemical and mechanical processes.

benthos - The organisms living on or in the bottom of water bodies.

bioaccessibility - The fraction of a substance that is available for absorption by an organism.

bioavailability - The fraction of a substance that can be absorbed by the body through the gastrointestinal system, the pulmonary system and the skin. By its definition, bioavailability also includes the process of bioaccessibility.

biodiversity - The variety of living organisms at all levels of organization.

biogeochemistry - The scientific study of the chemical, physical, geological, and biological processes and reactions that govern the composition of the natural environment (including the biosphere, the hydrosphere, the pedosphere, the atmosphere, and the lithosphere), and the cycles of matter and energy that transport the Earth's chemical components in time and space.

bioirrigation - The exchange of dissolved substances between pore water and overlying water.

biomagnification - Uptake of a contaminant through a food chain resulting in increasing concentrations through multiple trophic levels.

biomass - Standing crop of living material usually expressed as the amount of live or dry weight per unit area; usually associated with soil microbes, animals, and plant residues.

bioreactivity- Governs whether a contaminant will be assimilated into a cell if it is bioavailable.

biota – In ecology, the plant and animal life of a region

bioturbation - The movement and relocation of bottom sediments by the activities of bottom-dwelling organisms.

block model – A model of an ore deposit generated by interpolating assay values from irregularly distributed drill hole data to a regular two- or three-dimensional grid.

borehole - The generalised term for any narrow shaft drilled in the ground, either vertically, horizontally, or inclined.

borrow area - Place from which earthy or rock materials are removed to serve as fill or for other construction purposes.

brackish water - Slightly salty water.

brines - Water saturated or nearly saturated with a salt.

bulk density - A measure of the mass of soil or rock (or other solid phase material) per unit volume, for instance g/cm3.

capillary barrier - A space between two surfaces which is purposely made wide enough to prevent the movement of moisture through the space by capillary action, for instance, by using a layer of coarser rock between .finer materials  Also frequently referred to as “capillary break”.

capital investment - The money paid to purchase a capital asset or a fixed asset.

carbonates - A class of rocks containing calcium (Ca) and/or magnesium (Mg) carbonate, such as limestone and dolomite.

catchment - See watershed.

cation – An ion with a positive charge.

chain pillar - A series of pillars left between panels that support the mine roof and allow access to the mine panels as well as air exchange in an underground mine.

chemocline - The border region or interface between water volumes with two contrasting and predominating chemistries within a body of water.

cleanup - Actions taken to address a release or threat of release of a hazardous substance that could affect humans and/or the environment. The term is sometimes used interchangeably with remedial action, removal action, response action, or corrective action.

colonization - The movement of new individuals or species into an area.

commodity - An article of commerce or a product that can be used for commerce.  In a narrow sense, products traded on authorized commodity exchanges.  Types of commodities include agricultural products, metals, petroleum, foreign currencies, and financial instruments.

community - Assemblage of plants and animals occurring in natural systems.

compaction - Increase in soil bulk density, caused by loading at the surface, generally by wheel traffic; the action of moving soil particles closer together by compressing the pore space.

compost - The end result of controlled aerobic decomposition of organic matter known as composting. It is used in landscaping, horticulture and agriculture as a soil conditioner and fertilizer to add vital humus or humic acids. It is also useful for erosion control, land and stream reclamation, wetland construction, and as landfill cover.

composite sample - A sample made by the combination of several distinct subsamples. Composite samples are often prepared to represent a minable or treatable unit of material when it is not economically feasible or desirable to analyze a large quantity of individual samples; to represent a particular type or classification of material; or when subsample volumes are insufficient to allow analyses by desired analytical techniques.

conceptual site model - A representation of a site and its environment that represents what is known or suspected about contaminant sources as well as the physical, chemical and biological processes that affect contaminant transport to potential environmental receptors.

contaminant - Any physical, chemical, biological, or radiological substance or matter that has an adverse effect on human and ecological receptors as well as environmental media (e.g., air, water, soil, sediment).

convection - In physics, convection is the transport and mixing of properties (energy, heat, moisture, etc.) of a fluid by mass motion of that fluid. In meteorology, convection generally refers to such transport and mixing in the vertical direction, and advection refers to processes in the horizontal plane.

corrosive - A corrosive substance is one that will destroy or irreversibly damage another substance with which it comes in contact. The main hazards to people include damage to eyes, skin and tissue under the skin, but inhalation or ingestion of a corrosive substance can damage the respiratory and gastrointestinal tracts.

cryoconcentration – The concentration of chemical constituents in a liquid due to freezing.

crystallinity –The degree of structural order in a solid.

data - Any information about a feature or condition; usually implies a numerical format but also can be textual information.

data quality objective (DQO) - Qualitative and quantitative statement of the overall level of uncertainty that a decision-maker will accept in results or decisions based on environmental data. A DQO provides the statistical framework for planning and managing environmental data operations consistent with the user's needs.

density - The number of individuals per unit area.

diagenetic mineral -  Mineral that underwent a physical , chemical, or biological change after its initial formation, for instance due to changes in pressure, temperature, or fluid interaction.

discharge point - Location at which mineral-processing waste is pumped into a basin or impoundment.

dissolved oxygen - A measure of water quality indicating the amount of oxygen dissolved in water. This is one of the most important indicators of a water body's condition, because most aquatic organisms require dissolved oxygen.

dissolved solids - The weight of matter, including both organic and inorganic matter, in solution in a stated volume of water. The amount of dissolved solids is usually determined by filtering water through a glass or 0.45-μm pore-diameter micrometer filter, weighing the filtrate residue remaining after the evaporation of the water, and drying the salts to constant weight at 180°C.

dolomitic limestone - Limestone (calcium carbonate) containing a significant percentage of dolomite (calcium-magnesium carbonate).

drainage - Any water draining from a natural or human-made feature, including natural surface water runoff, mine drainage, and groundwater that has come to the surface. 

ecology - The study of the interrelationship of organisms with their environment.

ecosystem - A community of organisms considered together with the nonliving factors of its environment.

effluent - A material, usually a liquid waste, that is emitted by a source, which is often industrial, such as a metallurgical or water treatment process. Gaseous effluents are usually called emissions.

electrical conductivity - Indicates the concentration of ionized constituents in a water sample or soil matrix.

emissions - Gaseous materials emitted by a source.

environmental impact assessment - A process required under national or regional environmental legislation in which potential environmental, physical, and social impacts and mitigation measures are identified, evaluated, and discussed. A provision for notifying citizens and considering their comments is commonly integral to the process.

epithermal deposits - A mineral deposit consisting of veins and replacement bodies that usually occurs in volcanic or sedimentary rocks, containing precious metals, and sometimes, although rarely, base metals. Typically formed at shallow depths (i.e., within about 1 km of the Earth's surface) in a temperature range between 50 to 200 degrees C, usually resulting in characteristic vein-like structures.

erosion - The entrainment and transportation of soil through the action of wind, water, or ice.

evapoconcentration – The concentration of chemical constituents in a liquid due to evaporative processes.

evapotranspiration - The sum of evaporation and plant transpiration from the earth's land surface to atmosphere.

exothermic reaction - A chemical reaction that releases energy in the form of heat. It is the opposite of an endothermic reaction.

extraction - The process of mining and removal of ore from a mine. This term is often used in relation to all processes of obtaining metals from ores, which involve breaking down ore both mechanically (crushing) and chemically (decomposition), and separating the metal from the associated gangue.

extraction ratio - The ratio of the amount of ore removed to the amount of ore remaining in a mine or disposed of as waste.

fauna The animal component of natural systems.

fermentation – A process which derives energy from the oxidation of organic compounds, such as carbohydrates, using an electron acceptor, which is usually an organic compound

fermenting bacteria - Anaerobic bacteria that use organic molecules as their final electron acceptor to produce fermentation end-products.

flora - The plant component of natural systems.

flotation - The method of mineral separation in which a froth, created in water by a variety of reagents, floats some finely ground minerals while other minerals sink.

footprint - The planimetric area covered by a mine operation and associated roads, ponds, and other structures.

framboidal pyrite - Spherically shaped agglomerations of minute (approximately 0.25 micrometer) crystals of pyrite (FeS2). It is the most reactive of all pyrite morphologies.

gangue - The  minerals without value in an ore; that part of an ore that is not economically desirable but cannot be avoided when mining the deposit. It is separated from the ore during beneficiation.

geographic information system (GIS) - A computer program or system that allows storage, retrieval, and analysis of spatially related information in both graphical and database formats.

geomembrane – Impermeable material (usually a geosynthetic) used as a cut-off or liner to prevent movement of water.

geophysical survey - The systematic collection of geophysical data for spatial studies. Geophysical surveys may use a great variety of sensing instruments, and data may be collected from above or below the Earth's surface or from aerial or marine platforms.

geostatistics - The mathematical assessment of variability in a biological, chemical, or physical parameter across a distance or area.

geosynthetics - The term used to describe a range of generally polymeric products used to solve civil engineering problems.

glory hole - An informal term for a large mine excavation open to the surface, such as a mine shaft or an open pit mine.  In the block caving method of underground mining, ore collapses from above into a mine tunnel. If enough ore is removed, the ground surface collapses into a surface depression called a glory hole.

gradient - The inclination of profile grade line from the horizontal, expressed as a percent- age (synonym = rate of grade).

groundwater - Water in the zone below the surface of the earth where voids are filled with water. This is in contrast to surface water.

habitat - The place where a population (e.g., human, animal, plant, microorganism) lives, its surroundings, and its contents, both living and nonliving.

heap leach/heap leaching - An industrial mining process to extract precious metals and copper compounds from ore.  The mined ore is crushed into small chunks and heaped on an impermeable plastic and/or clay lined leach pad where it can be irrigated with a leach solution to dissolve the valuable metals. Either sprinklers, or often drip irrigation, are used to minimize evaporation. The solution then percolates through the heap, leaches out the precious metal, and is collected.

hot spot - An area or volume of ore, mine soil, spoil, tailings, or waste with an enhanced reactivity relative to the remainder.  

hydraulic backfill - Any kind of backfill carried by water through pipelines into an underground mine. Solid particles are sluiced through the water quickly without having the chance to settle until they reach the dumping point.

hydraulic conductivity - A property of soil or rock that describes the ease with which water can move through pore spaces or fractures. It depends on the intrinsic permeability of the material and on the degree of saturation.

hydraulic head - A specific measurement of water pressure above a geodetic datum. It is usually measured as a water surface elevation, expressed in units of length, at the entrance (or bottom) of a well.

hydrolysis - The process of splitting the water molecule into separate components of hydrogen ions (H+)and hydroxide ions (OH-) that often react with other constituents present.

hydrometallurgical process - Part of the field of extractive metallurgy involving the use of aqueous chemistry for the recovery of metals from ores, concentrates, and recycled or residual materials.  Hydrometallurgy is typically divided into three general areas: leaching, solution concentration and purification, and metal recovery.

hyporheic zone - The region beneath and lateral to a stream bed, where mixing of shallow groundwater and surface water occur. The flow dynamics and behavior in this zone (termed hyporheic flow) is recognized to be important for surface water/groundwater interactions, as well as fish spawning, among other processes.

impoundment - A closed basin that is dammed or excavated and is used for the storage, holding, settling, treatment, or discharge of water, sediment, and/or liquid wastes.

in situ treatment – Treatment performed in place, without disturbance, removal, or excavation of the material being treated.

infiltration - The downward entry of water into a soil or other geologic material.

infrastructure - Elements that support development of a mine, including transportation, utility, and communication systems.

inoculum - A source or medium for introduction of microorganisms.

karst topography - A landscape shaped by the dissolution of a layer or layers of soluble bedrock, usually carbonate rock such as limestone or dolomite. Due to subterranean drainage, there may be very limited surface water, even to the absence of all rivers and lakes.

kriging - A geostatistical analysis procedure used to estimate an ore grade or biological, chemical, or physical value at locations where no samples were collected.

land use - The primary use of a specific land area.

laterite - A surface formation in hot and wet tropical areas which is enriched in iron and aluminum and develops by intensive and long lasting weathering of the underlying parent rock.

leaching - Removal by dissolution, desorption, or other chemical reaction from a solid matrix by passing liquids through the material.

limestone - A sedimentary rock consisting largely of calcite (CaCO3).

Limnology - The study of inland waters, such as lakes and ponds, rivers, springs, streams and wetlands.  This comprises the biological, chemical, physical, geological, and other attributes of all inland waters (running and standing waters, both fresh and saline, natural or man-made).

lithology - The character of a rock described in terms of its structure, color, mineral composition, grain size, and arrangement of its visible features that in the aggregate impart individuality to the rock. The term is often used to classify rock materials for characterization purposes along with the degree of alteration and acid-base characteristics.

littoral - Shallow water zone in lakes and ponds.

lysimeter - An enclosed column containing a solid (such as soil) that is used to measure leaching and/or evapotranspiration.

manure - Solid wastes from livestock, often mixed with bedding materials such as straw or hay.

metalloids - is a term used in chemistry when classifying the chemical elements. On the basis of their general physical and chemical properties, nearly every element in the periodic table can be termed either a metal or a nonmetal. However, a few elements with intermediate properties, such as antimony, arsenic, boron, and silicon, are referred to as metalloids

metallurgy - The science and technology of extracting and refining metals and the creation of materials or products from metals.

metallurgical processing - The methods employed to clean, process, and prepare metallic ores for the final marketable product.

metastable - A general scientific concept that describes states of delicate equilibrium. A system is in a metastable state when it is in equilibrium (not changing with time) but is susceptible to fall into lower-energy states with only slight interaction.  An example of a metastable system is a supersaturated solution.

methanogens - A group of single-celled microorganisms, that produce methane as a metabolic byproduct in anoxic conditions. They are common in wetlands, where they are responsible for marsh gas, and in the guts of animals such as ruminants and humans.

microclimate - Localized temperature, moisture, wind, and other climate conditions, caused by differences in hydrologic climate and vegetation differences due to topography or surface configuration. For example, windbreaks create microclimates.

milling - The crushing and grinding of ore. The term may include the removal of harmful constituents or constituents without economic value from the ore and preparation for additional processing or sale to market.

mine - An opening or excavation in the ground for the purpose of extracting minerals.

mine rehabilitation - Modern mine rehabilitation aims to minimize and mitigate the environmental effects of mining.

mineral deposit - An occurrence of any valuable commodity or mineral that is of a sufficient size and grade (concentration) to have potential for economic development under favorable conditions.

mineralogy - The study of minerals and their formation, occurrence, use, properties, com- position, and classification; also refers to the specific mineral or assemblage of minerals at a location or in a rock unit.

mining - The process of extracting useful minerals from the earth's crust.

mitigation - Correction of damage caused by mining activity (e.g., mine subsidence, wetland impacts, acid drainage).

monitoring - The periodic or continuous surveillance or testing to determine the level of compliance with process or statutory requirements in various media or in humans, plants, and animals.

mucking – To remove rocks or clay excavated in mining.

mulch - A layer of nonliving material applied or occurring on the surface that is placed on top of a growth medium to control erosion and weed growth and to conserve moisture.

net present value - Net present value (NPV) or net present worth (NPW) is defined as the total present value (PV) of a time series of cash flows. It is a standard method for using the time value of money to appraise long-term projects. Used for capital budgeting, and widely throughout economics, it measures the excess or shortfall of cash flows, in present value terms, once financing charges are met.

neutral mine drainage - A neutral pH, metal-laden, sulfate-rich drainage that occurs during land disturbance where sulfur or metal sulfides are exposed to atmospheric conditions. It forms under natural conditions from the oxidation ofsulfide minerals and where the alkalinity equals or exceeds the acidity.

neutralization potential (NP) - The amount of alkaline or basic material in rock or soil materials that is estimated by acid reaction followed by titration to determine the capability of neutralizing acid from exchangeable acidity or pyrite oxidation. May also be referred to as acid neutralization potentialor ANP.

neutralization reaction  – A chemical reaction in which an acid and a base or alkali (soluble base) react to produce salt and water, which do not exhibit any of the acid or base properties.

ore - The naturally occurring material from which a mineral or minerals of economic value can be extracted profitably or to satisfy social or political objectives. The term is generally, but not always, used to refer to metalliferous material and is often modified by the names of the valuable metal constituents.

ore deposit - A mineral deposit that has been tested and found to be of sufficient size, grade, and accessibility to be extracted for a profit at a specific time, based on economic assumptions.

organic matter - The accumulation of disintegrated and decomposed biological residues and other organic compounds synthesized by microorganisms or used in mining and metallurgical processing; found in soils, ores, concentrates, waste rocks, tailings, and metallurgical processing wastes.

overburden - Material of any nature, consolidated or unconsolidated, that overlies a deposit of useful and minable materials or ores, especially those deposits that are mined from the surface by open cuts or pits.

oxidation - A chemical process involving a reaction(s) that produces an increase in the oxidation state of elements such as iron and sulfur.

passive treatment systems - Systems that treat acid mine drainage without continual and active additions of chemicals, including aerobic and anaerobic wetlands, anoxic limestone drains, successive alkalinity-producing systems, and open limestone channels.

pathway - The physical course a chemical or pollutant takes from its source to an exposed organism.

peat - An accumulation of partially decayed vegetation matter. Peat forms in wetlands or peatlands.

periphyton - A complex mixture of algae, bacteria, microbes, and detritus that is attached to submerged surfaces in most aquatic ecosystems. It serves as an important food source for many aquatic organisms. It can also absorb contaminants; removing them from the water column and limiting their movement through the environment.

permafrost - Soil at or below the freezing point of water for two or more years. Most permafrost is located in high latitudes (i.e. land in close proximity to the North and South poles), but alpine permafrost may exist at high altitudes in much lower latitudes.

pH - A measure of the acidity (pH less than 7) or alkalinity (pH greater than 7) of a solution; a pH of 7 is considered neutral. It is a measure of the hydrogen ion concentration (more specifically, the negative log of the hydrogen ion activity for glass electrodes) of a soil suspension or solution.

photochemistry – A sub-discipline of chemistry, is the study of the interactions between atoms, small molecules, and light (or electromagnetic radiation).

photosynthesis – A metabolic pathway that converts carbon dioxide into organic compounds, especially sugars, using the energy from sunlight.  Photosynthesis occurs in plants, algae, and many species of bacteria.

physiography – The physical structure and shape of an environment.

phyto-remediation – The treatment of environmental problems through the use of plants.

pit lake - Any perennial or ephemeral water body that occupies an excavation in the land surface created for the collection of ore material.

pollutant - Any organic substance, inorganic substance, a combination of organic and inorganic substances, a pathogenic organism, or heat that, when introduced into the environment, adversely impacts the usefulness of a resource.

pore water - Water occupying the voids in soil or sediment.

porphyry copper deposits – Large to very large low-grade copper ore bodies which are associated with porphyritic intrusive rocks. The ore generally occurs as disseminations along hairline fractures as well as within larger veins, which often form a stockwork.

porosity - A measure of the void spaces in a material.  Expressed as a fraction between 0 and 1, or as a percentage between 0 and 100%.

potentiometric map - A contour map of the potentiometric or water level surface. As on the surface of the earth, water flows from high elevation, or potential, to low elevation.  Thus a potentiometric map indicates which direction water is moving in the subsurface.

production - The total amount of mass produced by a plant, mine, aquifer, and so forth.

prospecting – The physical search for minerals, fossils, precious metals, or mineral specimens.

pyrometallurgical process - The thermal treatment of minerals and metallurgical ores and concentrates to bring about physical and chemical transformations in the materials to enable recovery of valuable metals.

quality assurance/ quality control (QA/ QC) - A system of procedures, checks, audits, and corrective actions to ensure that all research design and performance, environmental monitoring and sampling, and other technical and reporting activities are of the quality that meets the testing objectives.

random sample - A subset of a statistical population in which each item has an equal and independent chance of being chosen.

receptor - An ecological entity exposed to a stressor.

reclamation - Rehabilitation or return of disturbed land to productive uses; includes all activities of spoil movement, grading, and seeding; and the return of productivity equal to or exceeding that prior to its being disturbed.

redox - Shorthand for reduction-oxidation.  Describes all chemical reactions in which atoms have their oxidation number (oxidation state) changed, most commonly through the transfer of electrons.

refining - The purification of a crude metal product; normally the stage following smelting.

remediation - Cleanup or other methods used to remove or contain a toxic spill or hazardous materials from a site. It is the process of correcting, counteracting, or removing an environmental problem and often refers to the removal of potentially toxic materials from soil or water.

remining - The return to underground or surface mines or previously mined areas for further ore removal by surface mining and reclaiming to current reclamation standards. It also refers to the process of mining for processing of mine and mill wastes (processed or unprocessed) to extract additional metals or other commodities due to a change in extraction technology or economics that make such remining profitable.

representative sample - A portion of material or water that is as nearly identical in content and consistency as possible to that in the larger body of material or water being sampled.

respiration - The metabolic oxidation of organic compounds by living organisms to produce energy (i.e., breathing).

riparian - The land bordering a stream channel.

risk - A measure of the probability that damage to life, health, property, and/ or the environment will occur as a result of a given hazard.

risk assessment - A qualitative and/or quantitative evaluation of the risk posed to human health and/or the environment by the actual or potential presence and/or use of specific pollutants. Risk assessments are conducted for a number of reasons, including to establish whether an ecological risk exists, to identify the need for additional data collection, to focus on the dangers of a specific pollutant or the risks posed to a specific site, and to help develop contingency plans and other responses to pollutant releases.

risk management - The process of evaluating and selecting alternative regulatory and non- regulatory responses to risk. The selection process necessarily requires the consideration of legal, economic, and behavioral factors.

sample - A representative portion of a population.

sedimentation - The process of depositing entrained soil particles or geologic materials from water. In a mining context, it usually results from erosion of disturbed land and is considered a negative impact to streams and other water bodies.

sediment - any particulate matter that can be transported by fluid flow, and which eventually is deposited.

sewage sludge - The mainly organic, solid residual materials resulting from the treatment of sewage, often used as a soil amendment.

shale - A thinly bedded or fissile sedimentary rock formed from clay or silt.

shovel - Machine used to excavate ore or other minerals and to load these minerals for transport. Its bucket is loaded from the top, and the bottom is opened for emptying the contents.

skarn - Skarn is a metamorphic rock formed during metamorphism and in the contact zone of magmatic intrusions like granites with carbonate-rich rocks such as limestone or dolomite

slimes Material of silt or clay in size, resulting from the washing, concentration, or treatment of ground ore.

slope - The degree to which the ground angle deviates from horizontal, expressed as a percent rise over run or as a degree angle.

slurry - Any mixture of solids and fluids that behaves as a fluid and can be transported hydraulically (e.g., by pipeline). See also tailings.

smelting - The chemical reduction of a metal from its ore or concentrate by a process usually involving fusion, so that earthy and other impurities separate as lighter and more fusible slags, and can readily be removed from the reduced metal. The process commonly involves addition of reagents (fluxes) that facilitate chemical reactions and the separation of metals from impurities.

sorption - refers to the action of both absorption and adsorption taking place simultaneously. As such, it is the effect of gases or liquids being incorporated into a material of a different state and adhering to the surface of another molecule. Absorption is the incorporation of a substance in one state into another of a different state (e.g., liquids being absorbed by a solid or gases being absorbed by a liquid). Adsorption is the physical adherence or bonding of ions and molecules onto the surface of another molecule.

stakeholders - a person, group, organization, or system that affects or can be affected by an organization's actions.

stratigraphy – The layering or bedding of varying rock types reflecting changing environments of formation and deposition.  Also, a branch of geology that concerns itself with the study of rock layers and layering (stratification).

stressor - An event that provokes stress.

sulfosalts –Complex sulfide minerals with the general formula: AmBnSp; where A represents a metal such as copper, lead, or silver; B represents a semi-metal such as arsenic, antimony or bismuth; and S is sulfur or rarely selenium.

surface mining (strip mining) - A procedure of mining that entails the complete removal of overburden material; may generally refer to either an area and/or a contour mine.

surface water - Water at or near the land surface, such as lakes and streams, as opposed to groundwater.

sustainable development – A pattern of resource use that aims to meet human needs while preserving the environment so that these needs can be met not only in the present, but in the indefinite future. The term was used by the Brundtland Commission which coined what has become the most often-quoted definition of sustainable development as development that "meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs."

tailings - The solid waste product (gangue and other material) resulting fromthe milling and mineral concentration process (washing, concentration, and/or treatment) applied to ground ore. This term is usually used for sand to clay-sized refuse that is considered toolow in mineral values to be treated further, as opposed to the concentrates that contain the valuable metals.

tailings dam - See tailings impoundment.

tailings impoundment - Any structure designed and constructed for the purpose of capturing and retaining liquid-solid slurries of mill tailings in which the solids settle. The liquid may or may not be discharged or captured for recycling after the solids have settled out of suspension. Tailings pond and tailings dam are often used interchangeably with tailings impoundment and tailings storage facilities.

taxa - Taxonomic groups.

thermal stratification - Refers to a temperature layering effect that occurs in water. Stratification is due to differences in water density: warm water is less dense than cool water and therefore tends to float on top of the cooler heavier water.

thermoclines - The border region or interface between water volumes with two contrasting temperatures (and frequently densities and composition) within a body of water.

topography –The physical structure,shape, and features (natural and man-made) of an environment.

toxicity - A property of a substance that indicates its ability to cause physical and/or physiological harm to an organism (plant, animal, or human), usually under particular conditions and above a certain concentration limit, below which no toxicity effects have been observed.

turbidity - The cloudiness or haziness of a fluid caused by individual particles (suspended solids) that are generally invisible to the naked eye. The measurement of turbidity is a key test of water quality. 

vadose zone - The portion of Earth between the land surface and the water table or zone of saturation.  Also named the unsaturated zone.

volcanogenic massive sulphide (VMS) deposits - A type of metal sulfide ore deposit, mainly copper-lead-zinc, which is associated with and created by volcanic-associated hydrothermal events in submarine environments. 

waste rock - Barren or mineralized rock that has been mined but is of insufficient value to warrant treatment and, therefore, is removed ahead of the metallurgical processes and disposed of on site. The term is usually used for wastes that are larger than sand-sized material and can be up to large boulders in size; also referred to as waste rock dump or rock pile.

water balance - An accounting of the inflow to, outflow from, and storage changes of water in a hydrologic unit over a fixed period.

water quality standards - Ambient standards for water bodies. The standards prescribe the use of the water body and establish the water quality criteria that must be met to protect designated uses.

watershed - The land area that drains into a stream. The watershed for a major river may encompass a number of smaller watersheds that ultimately combine at a common point.

weathering - Process whereby earthy or rocky materials are changed in color, texture, com- position, or form (with little or no transportation) by exposure to atmospheric agents.

weir - A small overflow-type dam commonly used to raise the level of a river or stream. Water flows over the top of a weir, although some weirs have sluice gates which release water at a level below the top of the weir. The crest of an overflow spillway on a large dam is often called a weir.  Weirs are frequently used for flow measurements.

wetlands - Land areas containing ponded water or saturated surface soil for some portion of the growing season. Those with standing water for long periods may be mined only under special conditions, and the owner usually must reconstruct more acres of wetlands than originally disturbed.

workings - The entire system of openings (underground as well as at the surface) in a mine.